Bearing Witness

Puffed out
to retain warmth
Spring colors emerging
Clustering at the feeders
Beside squirrels
Red ones
Grey ones
And birds of all colors
Sizes and shapes
Similar in their billowing feathers
Constructed to maintain heat
Adding beauty
And entertainment
On this blizzard-like
April day.

They endure
and survive
they enchant
enthrall and enhance
the wintry landscape
their exquisite plumage on display
as they displace
each other
on the preferred feeder
the one protected by the eaves

Braving the proximity
to the people
in the kitchen
they huddle close
taking turns
grabbing seeds
to then crunch on
as they congregate on the sill

Enjoy the food
My feathered friends
Until the snow ends
The temps warm
And mama bear
Enjoy the feast
While I enjoy your presence

You teach patience
Awaiting your turn to
Grab a seed
You speak of
A compassionate creator
Who cares for
Each being
Equipping all
With tools for survival
Strength, courage
And perseverance
Help you to brave the elements

Thank you to all
My woodland friends
For visiting
And bearing witness
To Our Loving Creator

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