The Potter’s House

Tom and I decided to take the afternoon off and go somewhere fun together.  Since we both work from home, we can get caught up in working 7 days a week–especially during Tom’s busy season.  He is owner/operator of a business so nearly always working.  We took off to one of our favorite towns less than an hour from our house –Woodstock VT! I had recalled seeing a shop on my way home from Benson VT that I wanted to stop in at with Tom.  I thought it may have been a pottery shop and knew it was a bit north of downtown — Road Trip it was!! We ended up at Shackleton Thomas in Bridgewater VT. It was a fabulously serendipitous adventure.

The Potter’s House

Tree of life
Exquisitely created
Creatures perched within the branches
Greeting visitors at the entrance
Riveted to the spot
I sensed the space
as filled with love and hope

Steps slowed, heart peaceful
I wandered in this place of artistic creations
Molded from nature--
Wood and clay
Grain of tree holding center stage
In tables and chests
Breathtaking beauty.
Mugs, teapots
Calling out to be touched
Held, enjoyed.

Venturing on, 
I beheld a potter
Sitting at his wheel
He looked up and smiled. 
Delight of delights 
I was drawn to the side of his wheel
Ready to watch creation.

But he gave more
He gave invitation to throw pottery
To create
To don an apron
And get dirty in clay!
I gave my unrestrained yes!

In the beginning
The lump of clay
Was to be thrown 
In the center of the spinning universe
The potter’s wheel
My novice throw was not quite on the mark
The potter gently re positioned the lump
And it was good.

Bracing arms on table's edge
Standing over top the clay
Centering body
Full attention
Tender, strong touch
I immersed in the craft.
The clay transformed
A tiny bowl emerged
And it was good!
But the clay had more life to give

Step by step
The potter taught me
Then let me
Bring forth 
Even greater beauty
As the bowl grew taller, smoother
The strength of my whole body
Delicately given to one fingertip
As the base of the bowl opened out

Tender touch
Spinning universe
Kind, affirming teacher
Loving, encouraging husband
My spirit filled
With the joy of creation
And human kindness
As I found a bowl in a lump of clay!

Jeremiah 18:1-3

Matt the Potter Teaches

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